We all want the best for our children, and yet there seem to be more and more issues we need to watch out for. For example, the increase in Autism Spectrum Disorders, with as many as 1 in 88 children currently diagnosed (CDC estimate). Autism Speaks, the Ad Council and BBDO created a successful advertising campaign that has performed extremely well in raising awareness of Autism. Recently, new statistics identified that socio-economic factors are a key influence on early diagnosis. So, we were asked to conduct research aimed at understanding current perceptions and behaviors, to help inform strategic messaging to an underserviced, low-income population.
In our initial phase, we conducted IDI’s with expert specialists; plus in collaboration with our Hispanic specialist, English and Spanish language Dyads and focus groups with parents of young children to explore barriers to diagnosis and cultural differences in perceptions of Autism. From this we identified the key triggers that could underpin new messaging. In the second phase, we conducted In-Depth Interviews with mothers and fathers separately, and further focus groups to gain insight into the effectiveness of advertising concepts with a view to optimizing the final advertising campaign.
Click on this link to see the advertising and context; here for details from Autism Speaks; and here for New York Times article.
Services used:
- Expert IDI’s
- Dyads
- Focus Groups
- Parent IDI’s